When To Use#
Almost anything can be represented in a tree structure. Examples include directories, organization hierarchies, biological classifications, countries, etc. The Tree
component is a way of representing the hierarchical relationship between these things. You can also expand, collapse, and select a treeNode within a Tree
import { NzTreeModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree';
Tips: According to the current data structure design, you need to ensure that
is set first, otherwise other attributes will not take effect. After the asynchronous operation returns data, re-assign other attributes to trigger rendering(includingnzExpandAll
). Please refer to #5152 to track the optimization progress.
Property | Description | Type | Default | Global Config |
[nzData] | Tree data (Reference NzTreeNode) | NzTreeNodeOptions[] | NzTreeNode[] | [] | |
[nzBlockNode] | Whether treeNode fill remaining horizontal space | boolean | false | ✅ |
[nzCheckable] | Add a checkbox before the treeNodes | boolean | false | |
[nzShowExpand] | Show a Expand Icon before the treeNodes | boolean | true | |
[nzShowLine] | Shows a connecting line | boolean | false | |
[nzExpandedIcon] | Customize an expand icon | TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode }> | - | |
[nzShowIcon] | Shows the icon before a TreeNode's title. There is no default style | boolean | false | ✅ |
[nzAsyncData] | Load data asynchronously (should be used with NzTreeNode.addChildren(...)) | boolean | false | |
[nzDraggable] | Specifies whether this Tree is draggable (IE > 8) | boolean | false | |
[nzMultiple] | Allows selecting multiple treeNodes | boolean | false | |
[nzHideUnMatched] | Hide unmatched nodes while searching | boolean | false | ✅ |
[nzCheckStrictly] | Check treeNode precisely; parent treeNode and children treeNodes are not associated | boolean | false | |
[nzTreeTemplate] | Custom Nodes | TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode }> | - | |
[nzExpandAll] | Whether to expand all treeNodes | boolean | false | |
[nzExpandedKeys] | Specify the keys of the default expanded treeNodes | string[] | [] | |
[nzCheckedKeys] | Specifies the keys of the default checked treeNodes | string[] | [] | |
[nzSelectedKeys] | Specifies the keys of the default selected treeNodes | string[] | [] | |
[nzSearchValue] | Filter (highlight) treeNodes (see demo Searchable ), two-way binding | string | null | |
[nzSearchFunc] | Custom matching method, used with nzSearchValue | (node: NzTreeNodeOptions) => boolean | null | |
[nzBeforeDrop] | Drop before the second check, allowing the user to decide whether to allow placement | (confirm: NzFormatBeforeDropEvent) => Observable<boolean> | - | |
[nzVirtualHeight] | The height of virtual scroll | string | - | |
[nzVirtualItemSize] | The size of the items in the list, same as cdk itemSize | number | 28 | |
[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx] | The number of pixels worth of buffer to render for when rendering new items, same as cdk maxBufferPx | number | 500 | |
[nzVirtualMinBufferPx] | The minimum amount of buffer rendered beyond the viewport (in pixels),same as cdk minBufferPx | number | 28 | |
(nzClick) | Callback function for when the user clicks a treeNode | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzDblClick) | Callback function for when the user double clicks a treeNode | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzContextMenu) | Callback function for when the user right clicks a treeNode | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzCheckboxChange) | Callback function for when user clicks the checkbox | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzExpandChange) | Callback function for when a treeNode is expanded or collapsed | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzSearchValueChange) | Callback function for when filter treeNodes(used with nzSearchValue ) | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzOnDragStart) | Callback function for when the onDragStart event occurs | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzOnDragEnter) | Callback function for when the onDragEnter event occurs | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzOnDragOver) | Callback function for when the onDragOver event occurs | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzOnDragLeave) | Callback function for when the onDragLeave event occurs | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzOnDrop) | Callback function for when the onDrop event occurs | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - | |
(nzOnDragEnd) | Callback function for when the onDragEnd event occurs | EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> | - |
Property | Description | Type |
getTreeNodes | get all nodes(NzTreeNode) | NzTreeNode[] |
getTreeNodeByKey | get NzTreeNode with key | NzTreeNode |
getCheckedNodeList | get checked nodes(merged) | NzTreeNode[] |
getSelectedNodeList | get selected nodes | NzTreeNode[] |
getHalfCheckedNodeList | get half checked nodes | NzTreeNode[] |
getExpandedNodeList | get expanded nodes | NzTreeNode[] |
getMatchedNodeList | get matched nodes(if nzSearchValue is not null) | NzTreeNode[] |
NzTreeNodeOptions props#
Property | Description | Type | Default |
title | Title | string | '---' |
key | Must be unique! | string | null |
icon | icon before the treeNode,used with nzShowIcon | string | null |
children | TreeNode's children | NzTreeNodeOptions[] | [] |
isLeaf | Determines if this is a leaf node(can not be dropped to) | boolean | false |
checked | Set the treeNode be checked | boolean | false |
selected | Set the treeNode be selected | boolean | false |
expanded | Set the treeNode be expanded () | boolean | false |
selectable | Set whether the treeNode can be selected | boolean | true |
disabled | Disables the treeNode | boolean | false |
disableCheckbox | Disables the checkbox of the treeNode | boolean | false |
[key: string] | Indexable Types, can be used with NzTreeNode.origin | any | - |
NzFormatEmitEvent props#
Property | Description | Type | Default |
eventName | Event Name | enum: click dblclick contextmenu check expand search & dragstart dragenter dragover dragleave drop dragend | - |
node | The current operation node (such as the target node to drop while dragging) | NzTreeNode | null |
event | MouseEvent or DragEvent | 'MouseEvent' | 'DragEvent' | null |
dragNode? | Current drag node (existing if dragged) | NzTreeNode | null |
selectedKeys? | Selected nodes list | NzTreeNode[] | [] |
checkedKeys? | Checked nodes list | NzTreeNode[] | [] |
matchedKeys? | Matched keys list while searching | NzTreeNode[] | [] |
keys? | All nodes' keys list related event(except drag events) | string[] | [] |
nodes? | All nodes related event(except drag events) | NzTreeNode[] | [] |
NzFormatBeforeDropEvent props#
Property | Description | Type | Default |
dragNode | Current drag node (existing when dragged) | NzTreeNode | - |
node | The current operation node (such as the target node to drop while dragging) | NzTreeNode | - |
pos | position to drop(-1: before the target node, 0: inside the target node, 1: behind the target node) | number | - |
NzTreeNode props#
Property | Description | Type | Default |
title | Title | string | NzTreeNodeOptions.title |
key | Key | string | NzTreeNodeOptions.key |
level | TreeNode's level relative to the root node | number | number |
children | Children | NzTreeNode[] | [] |
origin | treeNode's raw data of NzTreeNodeOptions(user provided to show more datas) | NzTreeNodeOptions | - |
getParentNode | Get parentNode | function | null |
isLeaf | Whether treeNode is a Leaf Node | boolean | false |
isExpanded | Whether treeNode is expanded | boolean | false |
isDisabled | Whether treeNode is disabled | boolean | false |
isDisableCheckbox | Whether treeNode's checkbox can not be clicked | boolean | false |
isSelectable | Set whether the treeNode can be selected | boolean | true |
isChecked | Whether treeNode is checked | boolean | false |
isHalfChecked | Part of treeNode's children are checked | boolean | false |
isSelected | Whether treeNode is selected | boolean | false |
isLoading | Whether treeNode is loading(when nzAsyncData is true) | boolean | false |
isMatched | Whether treeNode's title contains nzSearchValue | boolean | false |
setSyncChecked | set isChecked value and sync other nodes' state of checkbox | function | - |
getChildren | Get all children | function | - |
addChildren | Add child nodes, receive NzTreeNode or NzTreeNodeOptions array, the second parameter is the inserted index position | (children: array, index?: number )=>{} | - |
clearChildren | Clear the treeNode's children | function | - |
remove | Clear current node(not root node) | function | - |
- Please make sure
is set before the mentioned properties above:
// Demo
this.nzExpandAll = false;
const nodes = []; // source data
this.nzData = [...nodes];
// Reset the above mentioned properties if you have used after setting of nzData
this.nzExpandedKeys = [...this.nzExpandedKeys];
// this.nzExpandAll = true;
this.nzCheckedKeys = [...this.nzCheckedKeys];
this.nzSelectedKeys = [...this.nzSelectedKeys];
accepts your custom properties,use NzTreeNode.origin to get them.- If Tree Methods are used with ViewChild, should be used in ngAfterViewInit.
- Setting
with NzTreeNodeOptions[] is better,if you set nzData with NzTreeNode[], it will be deprecated in next major version(8.x).