Previewable image.
When To Use#
- When you need to display pictures.
- Display when loading a large image or fault tolerant handling when loading fail.
import { NzImageModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/image';


Property | Description | Type | Default | Global Config |
nzSrc | Image path | string | - | - |
nzFallback | Load failure fault-tolerant src | string | - | ✅ |
nzPlaceholder | Load placeholder src | string | - | ✅ |
nzDisablePreview | Whether to disable the preview | boolean | false | ✅ |
nzCloseOnNavigation | Whether to close the image preview when the user goes backwards/forwards in history. Note that this usually doesn't include clicking on links (unless the user is using the HashLocationStrategy). | boolean | false | ✅ |
nzDirection | Text directionality | Direction | 'ltr' | ✅ |
nzScaleStep | 1 + nzScaleStep is the step to increase or decrease the scale | number | 0.5 | ✅ |
Other attributes <img>
Property | Description | Type | Default |
images | Preview images | NzImage[] | - |
options | Preview options | NzImagePreviewOptions | - |
Related type definition#
Property | Description | Type | Default |
src | src | string | - |
alt | alt | string | - |
width | width | string | - |
height | height | string | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
nzKeyboard | Whether support press esc to close, press left or right to switch image | boolean | true |
nzMaskClosable | Whether to close the image preview when the mask (area outside the image) is clicked | boolean | true |
nzCloseOnNavigation | Whether to close the image preview when the user goes backwards/forwards in history. Note that this usually doesn't include clicking on links (unless the user is using the HashLocationStrategy). | boolean | true |
nzZIndex | The z-index of the image preview | number | 1000 |
nzZoom | Zoom rate | number | 1 |
nzRotate | Rotate rate | number | 0 |
nzScaleStep | 1 + nzScaleStep is the step to increase or decrease the scale | number | 0.5 |
nzFlipHorizontally | Flip image on horizontal vector | boolean | false |
nzFlipVertically | Flip image on vertical vector | boolean | false |
Name | Description |
switchTo(index: number): void | Switch to index |
prev(): void | Previous image |
next(): void | Next image |
close(): void | Close image preview |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
nzScaleStep | The value of nzScaleStep will be applied to all the images inside, unless an image has its own nzScaleStep value specified. | number | - |