
Form is used to collect, validate, and submit the user input, usually contains various form items including checkbox, radio, input, select, and etc.

Form is totally based on Angular Forms, you can use reactive forms or template-driven-forms.

Please make sure you have read the official form document before using the component.


You can align the controls of a form using the layout prop:

  • horizontal:to horizontally align the labels and controls of the fields. (Default)
  • vertical:to vertically align the labels and controls of the fields.
  • inline:to render form fields in one line.


Used to separate the item in forms, contains label(optional) and control field.


The label of the form item, optional.


A form consists of one or more form fields whose type includes input, textarea, checkbox, radio, select, tag, and more.

<form nz-form>
    <nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzFor="email">E-mail</nz-form-label>
    <nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14">
      <input nz-input name="email" type="email" id="email" />
import { NzFormModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/form';


Inline login form is often used in navigation bar.

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Normal login form which can contain more elements.

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We must make sure that your are a human.

Fill in this form to create a new account for you.

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Add or remove form items dynamically.

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We provide properties like nzValidateStatusnzHasFeedback in nz-form-control to customize your own validate status and message, when using reactive forms.

  1. nzValidateStatus: validate status of form components, the default status comes from the NgControl in nz-form-control, you can set other NgControl to it.
  2. nzHasFeedback: display feed icon of input control
  3. nzSuccessTipnzWarningTipnzErrorTipnzValidatingTip:display validate message。

When there are multiple tips in the same state, nzSuccessTipnzWarningTipnzErrorTipnzValidatingTip supports the passing TemplateRef<{ $implicit: FormControl } type, which can be used to switch tips after exporting FormControl via the template syntax. When the FormControl.status is INVALID, and the errors contains {warning:true} , the nz-form-control display with warning status.

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When using template-driven forms, the form could change its status via the template setting.

  1. nzHasFeedback: display feed icon of input control
  2. nzSuccessTipnzWarningTipnzErrorTipnzValidatingTip: display validate message。

When there are multiple tips in the same state, nzSuccessTipnzWarningTipnzErrorTipnzValidatingTip supports the passing TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NgModel } type, which can be used to switch tips after exporting NgModel via the template syntax.

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Make tips to be easy.
Need to customize Validators and provide nzAutoTips in advance, the priority is as follows:

  • Validators > nzAutoTips
  • Via @Input set nzAutoTips
  • Via global config set nzAutoTips

In addition, you can use nzDisableAutoTips to disable it.

Via the current locale (zh-cn, en...) is used as the key of nzAutoTips to search for tips. If it is not found, it will be searched again with default.

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Option 1
Option 2

You can set the form status directly via the nzValidateStatus on nz-form-control.

  1. nzValidateStatus: validate status of form components which could be 'success', 'warning', 'error', 'validating'.
  2. nzHasFeedback: display feed icon of input control
  3. nzSuccessTipnzWarningTipnzErrorTipnzValidatingTip:display validate message。
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Select a option and change input text above

Use setValue to set other control's value programmaticly.

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There are three layout for form: horizontal, vertical, inline.

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Perform different check rules according to different situations.

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Turn on nzLabelWrap to wrap label if text is long.

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text align of form label.

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PropertyDescriptionTypeDefault ValueGlobal Config
[nzLayout]Form layout'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'inline''horizontal'
[nzAutoTips]Set default props [nzAutoTips] value of nz-form-control, please refer to the example: Auto tipsRecord<string, Record<string, string>>{}
[nzDisableAutoTips]Set default props [nzDisableAutoTip] value of nz-form-controlbooleanfalse
[nzNoColon]Set default props [nzNoColon] value of nz-form-labelbooleanfalse
[nzTooltipIcon]Set default props [nzTooltipIcon] value of nz-form-labelstring | { type: string; theme: ThemeType }{ type: 'question-circle', theme: 'outline' }
[nzLabelAlign]Set default props [nzLabelAlign] value of nz-form-label'left' | 'right''right'
[nzLabelWrap]Set default props [nzLabelWrap] value of nz-form-labelbooleanfalse


Used to separate the item in forms, contains label(optional) and control field.

All api in nz-row can be used in nz-form-item.


The label of the form item, optional.

All api in nz-col can be used in nz-form-label.

PropertyDescriptionTypeDefault Value
[nzRequired]add required style to current itembooleanfalse
[nzNoColon]whether to not display : after label text.booleanfalse
[nzFor]The for property of labelstring-
[nzTooltipTitle]Set tooltip infostring | TemplateRef<void>-
[nzTooltipIcon]Set icon of tooltip infostring | NzFormTooltipIcon-
[nzLabelAlign]The text align of label'left' | 'right''right'
[nzLabelWrap]whether label can be wrapbooleanfalse


Note:Due to the lack of partial Observable in Angular Form, you have to notify nz-form-control to update its status with updateValueAndValidity when you update form status using methods like markAsDirty.

A form consists of one or more form fields whose type includes input, textarea, checkbox, radio, select, tag, and more.

All api in nz-col can be used in nz-form-control.

PropertyDescriptionTypeDefault Value
[nzValidateStatus]Will generate status based on the input FormControl, NgModel or string, the default value is the first FormControl or NgModel in nz-form-control'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'validating' | FormControl | NgModelfirst FormControl or NgModel in nz-form-control
[nzHasFeedback]Used with nzValidateStatus, this option specifies the validation status icon. Recommended to be used only with Input.booleanfalse
[nzExtra]The extra prompt messagestring | TemplateRef<void>-
[nzSuccessTip]Tip display when validate successstring | TemplateRef<{ $implicit: FormControl | NgModel }>-
[nzWarningTip]Tip display when validate warningstring | TemplateRef<{ $implicit: FormControl | NgModel }>-
[nzErrorTip]Tip display when validate errorstring | TemplateRef<{ $implicit: FormControl | NgModel }>-
[nzValidatingTip]Tip display when validatingstring | TemplateRef<{ $implicit: FormControl | NgModel }>-
[nzAutoTips]The object of the tips, please refer to the example: Auto tipsRecord<string, string | Record<string, string>>-
[nzDisableAutoTips]Disable Auto Tipsboolean-


The split icon of -


Text in nz-form-control