
To trigger an operation.

When To Use#

A button means an operation (or a series of operations). Clicking a button will trigger corresponding business logic.

In Ant Design, we provide 4 types of buttons.

  • Primary button: indicate the main action, one primary button at most in one section.
  • Default button: indicate a series of actions without priority.
  • Dashed button: used for adding action commonly.
  • Text button: used for the most secondary action.
  • Link button: used for external links.

And 4 other properties additionally.

  • danger: used for risk actions, like deletion or authorization.
  • ghost: usually used in situations with a complex background, home pages.
  • disabled: when actions are not available.
  • loading: add loading spinner in button, avoiding multiple submit.
import { NzButtonModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/button';


Link Button

There are primary button, default button, dashed button, text button and link button in antd.

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Ant Design supports a default button size as well as a large and small size.

If a large or small button is desired, set the nzSize property to either large or small respectively. Omit the nzSize property for a button with the default size.

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A loading indicator can be added to a button by setting the nzLoading property on the nz-button.

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With Icon

Buttons can be grouped by placing multiple nz-button components into a nz-button-group.

The nzSize can be set to large, small or left unset resulting in a default size.

Warning: <nz-button-group> is deprecated in v19, please use <nz-space-compact> instead.

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nzBlock property will make the button fit to its parent width.

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nz-button components can contain an icon. Just placing an icon within the nz-button

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Danger TextDanger Text(disabled)
Danger LinkDanger Link(disabled)

To mark a button as disabled, add the disabled property to the Button.

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If you need several buttons, we recommend that you use 1 primary button + n secondary buttons, and if there are more than three operations, you can group some of them into nz-dropdown.

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nzGhost property will make button's background transparent, it is common used in colored background.

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You can use nzDanger to mark button as danger status.

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Note:nz-button is a Directive, it accepts all props which are supported by native button.

To get a customized button, just set nzType/nzShape/nzSize/nzLoading/disabled.

PropertyDescriptionTypeDefaultGlobal Config
[disabled]prevents a user from interacting with the buttonbooleanfalse
[nzGhost]make background transparent and invert text and border colorsbooleanfalse
[nzLoading]set the loading status of buttonbooleanfalse
[nzShape]can be set to circleround or omitted'circle'|'round'-
[nzSize]can be set to smalllarge or omitted'large'|'small'|'default''default'
[nzType]can be set to primarydashedtextlink or omitted (meaning default)'primary'|'dashed'|'link'|'text'-
[nzBlock]option to fit button width to its parent widthbooleanfalse
[nzDanger]set the danger status of buttonbooleanfalse


PropertyDescriptionTypeDefaultGlobal Config
[nzSize]can be set to smalllarge or omitted'large'|'small'|'default''default'-