A simple text popup tip.
When To Use#
- The Tooltip doesn't support complex text or operations. The tip is shown on mouse enter and is hidden on mouse leave.
- It's often used instead of the HTML
attribute to explainbutton/text/operation
import { NzToolTipModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tooltip';
Property | Description | Type | Default |
[nzTooltipArrowPointAtCenter] | Arrow point at center of the origin | boolean | false |
[nzTooltipTitle] | The text shown in the tooltip | string | TemplateRef<void> | - |
[nzTooltipTitleContext] | The context of tooltip title | object | - |
[nzTooltipTrigger] | Tooltip trigger mode. If set to null it would not be triggered | 'click' | 'focus' | 'hover' | null | 'hover' |
[nzTooltipPlacement] | The position of the tooltip relative to the target | 'top' | 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'topLeft' | 'topRight' | 'bottomLeft' | 'bottomRight' | 'leftTop' | 'leftBottom' | 'rightTop' | 'rightBottom' | Array<string> | 'top' |
[nzTooltipColor] | The background color | string | - |
[nzTooltipOrigin] | Origin of the tooltip | ElementRef | - |
[nzTooltipVisible] | Show or hide tooltip | boolean | false |
(nzTooltipVisibleChange) | Callback of hide or show | EventEmitter<boolean> | - |
[nzTooltipMouseEnterDelay] | Delay in seconds, before tooltip is shown on mouse enter | number | 0.15 |
[nzTooltipMouseLeaveDelay] | Delay in seconds, before tooltip is hidden on mouse leave | number | 0.1 |
[nzTooltipOverlayClassName] | Class name of the tooltip card | string | - |
[nzTooltipOverlayStyle] | Style of the tooltip card | object | - |
Common API#
The following APIs are shared by nz-tooltip
, nz-popconfirm
, nz-popover
Method | Description |
show | Show |
hide | Hide |
updatePosition | Update position |
Exclude body element's scroll event need to refresh the position of CDK#
In using the tooltip (including popconfirm、popover), the body element's scroll event will update the position of the tooltip. It will never update the tooltip's position if the scroll event happens in a custom element. You can add the cdkScrollable
directive to achieve the goal. Take notice that you need to import relative package import { ScrollingModule } from '@angular/cdk/scrolling';
, for more information you can visit scrolling/api.
Please ensure that the node of [nz-tooltip]
accepts onMouseEnter
, onMouseLeave
, onFocus
, onClick