
Enter a number within certain range with the mouse or keyboard.

⚠️ InputNumberLegacy has been deprecated in v19.0.0, please use the new version of InputNumber component.

When To Use#

When a numeric value needs to be provided.

import { NzInputNumberLegacyModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/input-number-legacy';


Numeric-only input box.

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There are three sizes available to a numeric input box. By default, the nzSize is 32px. The two additional sizes are large and small which means 40px and 24px, respectively.

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A numeric-only input box whose values can be increased or decreased using a decimal step. The number of decimals (also known as precision) is determined by the nzStep prop.

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Set precision of the value

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Using pre & post tabs example.

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<input-number-group> example.

Note: You don't need nz-col to control the width in the nzCompact mode.

Warning: This usage is deprecated in v19, please use <nz-space> or <nz-space-compact> components to achieve the same effect.

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Borderless input number.

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Click the button to toggle between available and disabled states.

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Display value within it's situation with nzFormatter, and we usually use nzParser at the same time.

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Add status to InputNumber with nzStatus, which could be error or warning.

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Add a prefix inside input.

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[ngModel]current value, double bindingnumber | stringstring
[nzAutoFocus]get focus when component mountedbooleanfalse
[nzDisabled]disable the inputbooleanfalse
[nzReadOnly]If readonly the inputbooleanfalse
[nzMax]max valuenumberInfinity
[nzMin]min valuenumber-Infinity
[nzFormatter]Specifies the format of the value presented(value: number | string) => string | number-
[nzParser]Specifies the value extracted from nzFormatter(value: string) => string | number(value: string) => value.trim().replace(/。/g, '.').replace(/[^\w\.-]+/g, '')
[nzPrecision]precision of input valuenumber-
[nzPrecisionMode]The method for calculating the precision of input value'cut' | 'toFixed' | ((value: number | string, precision?: number) => number)'toFixed'
[nzSize]width of input box'large' | 'small' | 'default''default'
[nzStatus]Set validation status'error' | 'warning'-
[nzStep]The number to which the current value is increased or decreased. It can be an integer or decimal.number | string1
[nzInputMode]enumerated attribute that hints at the type of data that might be entered by the user, MDNstringdecimal
[nzPlaceHolder]Placeholder of selectstring-
[nzId]input id attribute inside the componentstring-
(ngModelChange)The callback triggered when the value is changedEventEmitter<number>-
(nzFocus)focus callbackEventEmitter<void>-
(nzBlur)blur callbackEventEmitter<void>-


[nzAddOnAfter]The label text displayed after (on the right side of) the input number field, can work with nzAddOnBeforestring | TemplateRef<void>-
[nzAddOnBefore]The label text displayed before (on the left side of) the input number field, can work with nzAddOnAfterstring | TemplateRef<void>-
[nzPrefix]The prefix icon for the Input Number, can work with nzSuffixstring | TemplateRef<void>-
[nzSuffix]The suffix icon for the Input Number, can work with nzPrefixstring | TemplateRef<void>-
[nzPrefixIcon]The prefix icon for the Input Numberstring-
[nzSuffixIcon]The suffix icon for the Input Numberstring-
[nzCompact]Whether use compact stylebooleanfalse
[nzSize]The size of nz-input-number-group specifies the size of the included nz-input-number fields'large' | 'small' | 'default''default'
[nzStatus]Set validation status'error' | 'warning'-


You can get instance by ViewChild

focus()get focus
blur()remove focus