Animations Switch
NG-ZORRO allows developers to turn off the animations. You can set animations' switch by adding corresponding directives or configurations, or use the global configuration to turn off all animations associated with it.
Turn Off Globally#
Replace BrowserAnimationsModule
with NoopAnimationsModule
in the module.
imports: [
Turn Off In Templates#
Import NzNoAnimationModule
import { NzNoAnimationModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/core/no-animation';
imports: [
Add the nzNoAnimation
directive to the component.
<nz-modal nzNoAnimation></nz-modal>
<ul nz-menu nzNoAnimation></ul>
Turn Off In Services#
Add the following configuration while invoking components' services.
Modal, Drawer#
nzNoAnimation: true
Notification, Message#
nzAnimate: false
Turn Off The Wave Effect#
Some components use dynamic styles to support wave effects, so their styles are unable to be override directly. Instead, you can use provideNzWave
or use NoopAnimationsModule
to turn off the wave effects.
import { provideNzWave } from 'ng-zorro-antd/core/wave';
providers: [
provideNzWave({ disabled: true })